

When Do I Need a Family Lawyer?

  • Family lawyers are going to cover a wide range of legal issues that revolve around the family. This can be quite in-depth, but some of the major legal issues that these attorneys can work with include:


    Divorce Cases


    Family lawyers will often become involved in a divorce case. These are tricky situations full of emotions and legal precedents that make it hard for the ex-couple to do the work on their own. Both are feeling mad and hurt and upset, which means things can get ugly and they need an impartial third party, on both sides, who can help them figure out alimony, spousal support, division of property, and any previous agreements between the couple.


    Child Custody 

    Family lawyers will also step in to help out during child custody. This is an area that can be highly contested, even if other areas of the divorce are going well. If the parents can make an agreement together, the courts will often approve it. The problem comes with trying to get the parents to agree. Having a family lawyer help with the child custody by coming up with a plan to create an agreement that is best for the child.


    Child Support 

    Family lawyers will also work to make sure that the amount given for child support is fair in a divorce. This will help if a former partner is hiding income or if one of the partners is trying to get more child support by choosing to be unemployed rather than getting a job. The goal is to make sure that both partners are treated fairly while providing the support that the child needs for their basic necessities.


    Abuse and Neglect 

    Another area that the family lawyer can assist with is the issue of abuse and neglect. A family lawyer is going to help defend clients against allegations of abuse or can help them regain custody of their children if there is abuse going on with the other parent. Both of these situations can be touchy and hard to work through and a family lawyer will be able to step in, research what is actually going on, and help the client. 

    There are many situations where you will need to work with a family lawyer in Vancouver. Having this professional by your side through the proceedings of divorce and child custody can make things go smoothly and will help you get the favorable results that you deserve. Take a look at some of the issues that may show up above and if you are going through them, take a look at hiring the right family lawyer for you.