

Tips&Guide: How to Using CONTUO Standing Desk

  • Do you have a standing desk? Or are you looking to incorporate one into your work routine? The trend has gained popularity in recent years, especially during the pandemic where more and more people are working from home, with experts touting benefits including more attentiveness to assignments and less discomfort. But, before you decide a Adjustable Table is the right choice for you, there’s a lot you should know about how to use this piece of furniture properly.

    Maintaining Proper Posture

    Your head, neck and torso should be aligned vertically, with your shoulders relaxed. Your knees should be slightly bent with your feet positioned directly under your shoulders, and your weight should occasionally be shifted from one foot to the other. A footrest may be useful for shifting your weight. In some cases, use of an anti-fatigue mat may allow you to stand for extended periods of time.

    Another alternative to sitting or standing at your desk is to kneel, or half kneel. Kneeling is a very natural position for your body and encourages proper spinal alignment. There are various kneeling positions that you can use - one leg forward and one leg down on a balance cushion such as a Theraband balance board, both knees positioned on a kneeling chair, or one leg on the floor and one knee kneeling on a chair. Kneeling places your spine and pelvis in a neutral position, and forces you into a more upright posture, which reduces slouching and stress on your spine.

    It’s not unusual for your knees to get tired or achy after a lengthy time spent kneeling. To reduce the discomfort, change positions - switch the side that you’re kneeling on, stand or sit at your desk, or get up and go for a short walk.

    Use an Anti-Fatigue Mat

    Standing on very firm surfaces can take a toll on your feet, ankles, legs, and back, so it’s important to get some cushioning. An anti-fatigue mat provides support and shock absorption for the feet, legs, and back. These mats also encourage small movements of the leg muscles and decrease standing fatigue through improved blood flow. Studies have shown anti-fatigue mats help reduce discomfort and tiredness for people who stand for more than two hours a day.

    Remembering to Stand Straight

    This might be the most challenging part of correcting bad posture. Just remembering that you need to square the hips, pull the shoulders back, and tilt the chin is half the battle. If you’ve ever tried meditation, the practice is similar.

    In the beginning, you’re going to be reminding yourself every five to ten minutes. As you get better, that’ll become every ten to fifteen minutes, then every twenty minutes. Soon enough, remaining in a healthy standing position will be your norm.

    If you’re struggling to remember, try:

    Placing a post-it note by your monitor to remind you

    Setting a 15-minute reminder on your phone.

    Asking your coworkers to point out if they see you slouching.

    Use Arm Supports

    An arm support, or wrist rest, attaches to your desk, it’s usually made of is soft padding or can be a simple surface area. They are designed to reduce pressure on the wrist that operates the mouse.

    Height adjustable desks are suitable for home office workers, computer desk users, students, cubicle dwellers and office executives. So check out a standing desk and take control of your health and productivity! More information plese visit Standing Desk Manufacturer or site