

Unblock The 7 Chakras & Use Your Body’s Natural Energy

  • Chakras play a very important role in the body. In fact, the seven chakras regulate energy and fit in with body function.

    The body has its energy and uses this energy powered by the 7 chakras to function on every level. Things as simple as sleeping, moving, thinking or using your senses takes energy to achieve. Energy is naturally produced in the body, and we explore how to use energy and align your chakras.

    What Is A Root Chakra?

    The root chakra is the red chakra that connects us to “mother earth.” It’s also called the “root chakra” since we always envisage earth and mother earth like a tree. As its name suggests, the root chakra keeps you anchored and well. It also aids the functioning of the adrenals.

    The root chakra is located at the bottom of the seven chakras with each of them having their own color and purpose.

    After the root chakra, the following colors and chakra functions extend:

    • Sacral chakra - responsible for thoughts, power and emotions. It is also responsible for the functions of the reproductive system.
    • Solar plexus chakra - controls thoughts about self (self-esteem, confidence) and is also responsible for the GI system.
    • Heart chakra - controls emotions concerning love and the respiratory systems and circulation.
    • Throat chakra - manage what you want to say, speech communication and the thyroid and neck function.
    • Brow chakra (third eye) - manages thought and emotions as well as intuition. It also helps the neurological system pituitary.
    • Crown chakra - thought connection to the Devine and manages sections of the upper brain function.


    Unblock Your Chakra For Functionality

    Certain yoga poses can help you unblock your seven chakras. Not all chakras are fully developed by the time a person is born. Chakras develop with age and time, and to unblock them, once they’re there, is another art to master.

    If your 7 chakras are unblocked you can see life in a positive and better way than you did before.

    • Unblock your root chakra with the warrior or mountain pose.
    • Unblock the sacral chakra with the pigeon pose or the bridge pose.
    • The solar plexus can be unblocked, with the boat pose.
    • The heart chakra can unblock with the cow face pose as well as the humble warrior.
    • Throat chakra can unblock doing the fish or the plough poses.
    • For the unblocking of the brow chakra the forward fold or folded eagle works well.
    • Unblock the crown chakra with the corpse pose (Savasana).