

Factors Need to Consider When Buying Foodservice Gloves Online

  • There are countless businesses and organizations that work with food each day. From restaurants to cafeterias, concession stands to soup kitchens, any place that works with food has to use proper safety precautions. One of the best lines of defense against spreading contamination is with foodservice gloves. Food handling gloves are specially designed disposable gloves that workers can wear while handling and serving food. Food service gloves are commonly made from polyethylene. For this reason, poly gloves are light and durable, easily suited to a wide range of individuals and effective at keeping any germs or bacteria from spreading. When buying food service gloves, there are a number of elements to look at before making a final purchase.

    The primary purpose of clear polyethylene food handling gloves is for sanitation. Therefore, it is important to select clear gloves that adequately prevent the transfer of germs and bacteria from the worker to the food. Polyethylene is highly effective at providing such protection, while also allowing workers flexibility in movement. There are a number of other options in disposable gloves, such as latex or vinyl, but the level of protection those gloves provide is not necessary in a food service setting. Therefore, when buying foodservice gloves, disposable PE gloves are more than acceptable.

    When looking at poly foodservice gloves, size and thickness are other factors to consider. Most polyethylene gloves are designed to fit either hand, but do come in sizes ranging from small to extra-large to better accommodate a range of workers. Most food service outlets will purchase some clear gloves in all sizes, with extra focus on the average size. Thickness in food service gloves will generally range from 1.25 millimeters to four millimeters. Thinner food handling gloves allow for more mobility, while thicker food service gloves offer a bit more durability.

    It is also important to consider the official rating of any foodservice gloves. Many poly gloves are tested by government agencies, such as the FDA or the USDA. These agencies ensure that the disposable gloves provide adequate protection in various settings. Because of this, food service outlets should try to find food handling gloves that have been approved by the FDA or the USDA as an added precaution.

    Cost is also a relevant issue when purchasing food service gloves. These disposable gloves often come in packs of 100 and most food service outlets will go through many in any given year. Therefore, staying well stocked with foodservice gloves while keeping a keen eye on the overall cost is imperative. The best way to save money on any type of clear polyethylene food handling gloves is to shop at retailers who offer bulk purchases. Such retailers can offer you an sample supply of foodservice gloves at reasonable prices. Or you can import them from certified and professional manufacturers & suppliers which can give you high quality products and better customer service. All in all, any business or organization that handles food needs to invest in food service gloves. By checking the materials, size, rating and cost, it is easy to find safety and savings in a single purchase.